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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Haiti Revelations on the Human Development Through ADV (2)

"Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it bears much fruit ..."

In a previous article, the Association of Disciples for Life pointed out that the Bible is to teach and not to inform and direct its message to the ultimate development of human potential. The Friendly consider here the model of development which, according to the Bible allows "living being" to achieve such development and meet its aspirations, and the sacrifice made to that effect. This review begins with an analysis of the human condition from a biblical perspective.

The Bible sees humans as in the intoxication of the hypnotic state, the source of all evils: "They have eyes but they do not see ... they have ears, but they do not understand ...", "The earth is fatal to the penitentiary ... Man is born for trouble ...". This spell is cast by obscurantist forces omnipresent (Ephesians 6 :11-12), said "the Adversary or Satan" (Job 1: 6; Mt 17: 23 Ps 108: 13), under the command of YHVH Elohim (l 'Lord God) (Job 2 :6-10; Rev 17: 17), an entity claiming all: The Lord God of Adam plunged into a deep sleep ...", "The Lord of quenches your breath hypnotic ...", "The Lord God said, Lest that Adam took the tree of life, he eats and live forever ..."," I, saith the Lord, I am from Jerusalem a cup of trembling ...", "Like clay in the potter's hands, so you are in my hand, O house of Israel ..."," they know and recognize that outside to me is nothing ...", "I create the light, I create darkness ..."," The Lord kills and gives life ...", "From him come the evils and property ...", "Who maketh the dumb, deaf, seeing or blind? Is not me, saith the LORD ?...".

Thus, from the beginning (Psalm 51: 7; Gen 8: 21), the spiritual potential of "natural man" is lost or compromised: "All is lost and perverted ...". As a zombie, the human loses consciousness or spirit ( "breath") before his last breath. So to say, it goes through a "first death" before dying. In this blinding ignorance (Es 6 :9-10; 2Cor 4 :3-4, Jn 12: 35 (b) 1 Corinthians 2: 14), progress is trapped (Ezekiel 20: 25) or empty: "The people who understands nothing is doomed ...", "He who walks in darkness does not know where it goes ..."," The Lord knows the thoughts of humans, they are useless ...", "The creation was subjected to futility ...". But, amused by his imagination and the visions of the heart "(Jeremiah 23: 16, Jer 29: 8), each is locked in his little world of perceptions, superficialities, appearances, lies, pretensions, fantasies, confusion, seduction, like the movies: "The son of Adam is a lie ..."," Men, how long do you love vanity and seek your deception ?...", "Woe to the man who trusts in man ...".

According to the Bible, mankind is subject to the seductive power ( "malignant") of the illusion or imagination, hypnotic effect of sleep: "The whole world is the power of evil ...". "Evil" ( "fault", "sin") is recklessness created by this spell making humans ignorant, closed ( "hardened") to reason and common sense private (Jeremiah 4: 22 ; Os 4: 6). What makes it work like a fool (Psalm 69: 6; Es 59: 10) or a sleepwalker wandering: "I'm wandering like a lost sheep ...". In this sense, "evil" is forgetfulness (amnesia), scattering humans outside of himself, away from its source, its essence (his home) and it causing all the troubles (Luke 15 :14-16; Deuteronomy 28 :28-29, 66). This lack of the spirit prone to be 'owned' by multiple personalities and contradictory (Mark 5: 1-5; Romans 7 :15-20). This mixture addictive and unhealthy ( "the unclean spirit, perverted or corrupt") is symbolized by the "spirit of prostitution" or "spirit of adultery" (Os 4 :11-13; Ez 16 :15-32 ; Jr 2: 20, 23, 28; Jr 3 :6-9). Finally, the "evil" is the degeneration ( "the fall") fatal (Job 14: 4; Jr 13: 23) of the human being "excommunicated" a failure or an undead: "The wages of sin is death ...", "Who shall deliver me from this body of death ?...".

Nevertheless, the Bible celebrates the "good news" that man is not to be missed for his life in vain live (Ezekiel 18 :31-32; Is 53 :7-11), it can rise from ashes ( "back from the grave") (Ezekiel 37: 13, Jn 11 :38-44) and "move from darkness to light": "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light on the people of land of the shadow of death, a light shines ...", "Awake, Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of Jehovah the bottom of the cup of trembling ..."," The same creation will be liberated from the bondage of corruption to enjoy the glorious liberty of God's children ...". The human has the capacity to regenerate ( "pass from death to life"), to realize its potential and meet their aspirations: "The winner, I give to eat of the tree of life ... "" I create Jerusalem a rejoicing and her people a joy ...". At least that's the experience of those who have "found the wisdom" and "saw the light": "The breath of God has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, to open blind eyes, to out of jail prisoners and those living in darkness ...".
Faced with the syndrome of "original sin" (Psalm 51: 7), the Bible goes beyond the symptoms to the root of "evil" human is the psychological underdevelopment or lack of consciousness. To cure man of such failure or "exorcise a demon as" the biblical authors advocate the awareness, that is to say the widening or opening of consciousness. This esoteric approach puts priority on the metaphysical or spiritual dimension of man, not the accumulation of knowledge assets and powers: "Even in abundance, human life does not depend on what it has ...", "Seeking first the kingdom of God ... the Kingdom is inside of you ...". Outside this inner temple, there is no salvation. This philosophy calls for the "exodus" in consciousness, that is to say, to leave "the desert of ignorance and mental slavery to" the mountain of knowledge and empowerment: "Take the garment of the old man with his practices, and passes the garment of the new man to access to knowledge ..."," An understanding heart seeks knowledge ...", "The people perish for lack of knowledge. .. "" Fool, you learn to know ...", "Give up the stupidity and live; heads up in the way of intelligence ...". This contrasts with the rehabilitation of worship prophecies (Jer 5: 13; Jr 14: 14; Ezekiel 13 :1-7, Lk 21: 8), the cult of the marvelous (Mark 13 :21-22) and idolatry in form of worship of the person (Mt 23 :5-10) or messianic cult: "Away with the basic principles of the Messiah, tend toward perfection ...".

It follows that, according to the biblical authors, the internal revolution ensures the transition from "old man" to "new man". As such, the development process of "being alive" is an unveiling or a revelation, following the model of grain growth. Indeed, the potential of the seed, just like humans, is hidden (Matthew 13: 44, Job 28 :20-23, Pr 25: 2; 1 Corinthians 2: 7). For this potential to ripen, the seed must be prepared and sown or buried. In the manured soil (good soil), the burial may cause irreversible metamorphosis during which seed "dies" and "reborn" in newness of life. To bear fruit and multiply, the tree (the son) thus generated must be pruned: "Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it bears much fruit ...". How to apply this process happen to man?
For humans hypnotized or "knocked dizzy, be prepared is to rediscover the spirit or return to common sense (" back to life "," open eyes "," being awakened or forgiven) ( Gen 3: 7, Lk 15: 24; Mk 2 :3-9). This "first resurrection" (Luke 7 :11-14, Jn 11: 11, 38-39, 43-44, Mt 27: 52) marked a crucial turning point (Pr 8 :4-6; Rom 13 :11-12) . This is the gift of "repentance" (Isaiah 52 :1-3) in which "the sinner" as is "from nothing": "May God give them repentance to return to their senses ... "" Oh you who sleep, wake up from the dead ...", "It is time to wake out of sleep ..."," If you do not repent you will perish ... " "And their eyes were opened ...". Without this awareness and self-examination ( "confession"), any change is impossible, and humans can not measure the price (the "ransom") to pay to fulfill his potential or "save his life" "Let our ways ..."," The man knows the price of wisdom ...", "It is through much tribulation that we enter into the kingdom ..."," Fool, this you sow does not come back to life unless it dies ...", "Whoever would save his life will lose it ...". Note that hi is personal: "Every one should carry his own load ..."," The man of common sense is useful but himself ...".

For the "repentant" burial ( "be buried"), is the spirit of humility or selflessness: "If you can humble yourself and if you do not pay very little, you shall not in the United ...". Fertilizer ( "solid food") is the spirit of discernment (Hebrews 5 :11-14) combined with the receptive mind ( "fear of the Lord" or "obedience to the will of God "):" The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, those who have inspired common sense ...", "If you lend a sympathetic ear to wisdom, if you call the intelligence, if you raise your voice to reason, if you should research carefully as treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord ...", "My food is to do the will of God ... Do not foolish, but understand the will of God ... God's will is to give thanks in all circumstances ...", "If you give thanks, nothing to be refused ..." . In contrast, "milk" ( "basic principles") (Heb 5: 12; Col 2: 8; Gal 4 :9-10) is the immaturity, intolerance, and traditional observances dogmatic beliefs: "You need milk, since there is jealousy and strife among you ..."," Whoever is in the milk can not appreciate the word that just makes it ...", "What no one judges you on what you eat, what you drink [...], on the Sabbath ... These regulations doomed to corruption, human teachings which pass for wisdom .. ., "" Do not return to the basic principles of [...] belief in God, doctrine of baptisms / immersions, the imposition of hands, resurrection of the dead and trial future ... " "As a child, I spake as a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child when I became a man, I put away childish what was ...".

The metamorphosis is the miracle of the irrevocable transformation of the "inner man" (Eph 3: 16). It is triggered by the new provision and new mentality refined sense of belonging: "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind ..."," If thou wilt be perfect, renounce all your possessions to your ... parents, your spouse, your children, to your own life ...". This second birth or "resurrection" (Rom 6 :3-10, Ph 3 :10-11, Lk 21: 36) is the criterion of progress par excellence: "Make yourself a new heart and new spirit ..." "What counts is a new creation ...". Without this renewal, is under a facade of hypocrisy (a "whited sepulcher") (Matthew 23 :25-28); wisdom ends in madness (Rom 1: 22); religion turns into superstition in show business or in foster darkness (Lk 11: 52, Mt 23 :5-6, 1 Timothy 6: 5). To increase its potential or "multiply", "new man" must continually s'émonder or purify its attachments (his "master" or its "treasures") (2 Corinthians 4: 16, 18). The mature mind and stripped to recognize the values that radiate safe: "We recognize the fruit in lei ... The fruit of the spirit is love, kindness, joy, peace, self-control ...".

The biblical message is to the development potential or "talent" of humans, following the growth pattern of the seed: "Be fruitful and multiply ..."," Bear fruit ...", "To they are perfect and made ...". This development signifies the spiritual development of "living being" (Genesis 35: 11, Col. 1: 10; Phil 4: 17) and based on the awareness and self-purification ( "mind blank or innocent"): "Search sanctification ..."," Let your whole being is sanctified ...", "Wash you, purify you ...". What the Bible means required to accomplish this development model and clear conscience? The Friendly examines this question in a third section.

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