The old stone cap to L'Evêque spoke. A language of eternity. Words of an intangible power that address humanity's eternal quest for freedom. They claimed the victory over time and chanted the glorious dream of Titan. They camped the Northern man, genius christophien in his vision of a country standing in one breath, carried by the winds of history everywhere. They rewrote the inescapable truth: human vertical touch the stars in thought and change the world by his actions.
The great hall of the Karibe Convention Center has put on his attire to receive Saturday, December 12, 2009 the grand gala fundraiser to benefit the Henry Citadel. In a spectacular setting of round tables dressed in royal blue and enhanced arrangements evoking the orchid-bearing branches of mountain peaks. Monique Rocourt and his team are unsurpassed for providing an exceptional evening.
Monique Rocourt highlighted the magic of the evening which saw the culmination of combined efforts of the consortium Logo More Haiti, Music Lab, Logo Plus USA, Grissom Company, the sister companies working in the field of literary production, photography and music at the educational, cultural and historical. The group capped two years of hard work to present a book worthy of the greatest monuments of our architectural heritage, historical work that has built a team in an amazing and extraordinary adventures.
The output of the Book "The Citadel Henry" brought together all sectors of Haitian life: government, private, trade, industry, tourism, education, media, the arts, that of transport and communication ... In a celebration and a final recognition of the great figures of our past and our present are joined for a common journey towards identity found. The result is tangible proof of what can be done when a dream fills the soul, when faith supports the approach in an uncertain path strewn with pitfalls. This movement rallying around the safeguarding of national heritage has attached a great assembly of people sensitive to the redevelopment of the ultimate symbol of Haitian identity, the Grande Dame, the Citadel Henry.
... the spirit of eternal rocks
Pin loyalty "The Citadel Henry Haiti Heritage" were pinned inside by the side support in a gesture to honor the spirit of eternal rocks.
The Institute for the Protection of National Heritage, independent technical body, is born by government decree of March 28, 1979 the upgrading of the historic preservation, government agency founded in 1972 by Albert Mangonès. Daniel Elias, Director of ISPAN, stressed the importance of the mission of the Institute for Scientific and Technical. It is an inventory and ranking of evidence in the national heritage, general studies and detailed project of restoration and enhancement of monuments and historical sites, provide leadership and supervision of work performance, help promotion and development of public or private business to safeguard the national heritage and disseminate all information and documentation relating to the architectural heritage and monuments, national and international.
Albert Mangonès in its ideological vision of heritage conservation has advocated the strengthening of national identity by establishing the historical and cultural values conveyed by our monuments, developing education and knowledge essential to the establishment of a sense of belonging. The social and economic values provided by the approach are the logical result of an intelligent and rational exploitation of this heritage. For Albert Mangonès, beyond the aesthetic, cultural, technical and economic, conservation of architectural heritage "must find his true purpose in seeking solutions to human problems raised by the sudden changes of living environment." He was "aware of an organized community has the right to exist in decent conditions, which must grow and why heritage should remain a key factor of social cohesion".
The history of ISPAN is linked to the Citadel National Historic Park Sanssouci Ramiers, classified World Heritage by UNESCO since 1982. The institute has taken up the work begun by the Department of Conservation of Monuments, which consisted with the retirement of water, protection and stabilization of these historic buildings, with technical assistance from UNESCO and a UNDP funding and treasury. In undertaking this work, the ISPAN has used a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers, but also sociologists, archaeologists, chemists, specialists in conservation of stone and metal, historians , photographers, specialists in regional planning, master carpenters, master builders and others. This adventure has been crowned with success in putting Henry Citadel and Palace of Sans-Souci out of danger and saved from destruction is irreversible.
The ISPAN has continued the first scientific and objective inventory of historical monuments of Haiti. Albert Mangonès has, in its generosity, enabling young people to grow in this business, coach, encourage them, its their lavish sound advice based on his long experience. The writings of historians such Madiou, Ardouin, Cabon, Debien, Pean, George Corvington, and the chronic period of Logbook of Christopher Columbus to chronic Edgard LaSelva, texts Labat, Moreau de Saint-Mery , Descourtilz were consulted to guide the search for ruins and ancient buildings.
The research archives were made by the team of the inventory. The identification and documentation of the defense system of the French colony of Saint Domingue, the network of fortifications erected in Haiti in the aftermath of 1804, the network of colonial sugar houses, historic centers of Cap-Haitien, Jacmel and Port - au-Prince, the site of the first voyage of Columbus on the north coast of Haiti was established.
Haiti rcihesse discovers his heritage
Haitian society now finds wealth, the vastness, the diversity of its cultural heritage. The prospects for tourism development become clearer. Youth is open questioning of its cultural identity. Our natural environment undergoes continuous degradation and alarming. Knowledge of our past should serve as a compass and leverage to build this sense of belonging to the land of our ancestors. The ISPAN is devoid of resources, financial resources reduced drastically since the Haitian state is forced to deal with other priorities. While remaining under its organic law, the institute has been forced to diversify its sources of funding. He had to call for international assistance to nongovernmental organizations and the private sector.
This approach has begun to bear fruit. The gala La Citadelle Henry is an outstanding example of collaboration between ISPAN and its generous patrons. Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis has encouraged and supported the draft publication of the ledger La Citadelle Henry.
The World Heritage Center, UNESCO agency responsible for management of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, is currently updating the files and start the retrospective inventory of properties. The ISPAN will under this program, in agreement with the World Heritage Center, take the boundary of the National Historical Park covering 25 square kilometers, and its zoning regulations. It will assign a legal status, the build, within the World Heritage Convention ratified by the Republic of Haiti in 1980, a management structure and operation.
The ISPAN will speak on the historical monuments in order to complete the restoration work and complete the second phase of the project to organize and facilitate their visit. The development of the Museum of Citadel Henry will be a priority objective of the ISPAN, with the collaboration of the Musée du Pantheon National Haitien. This museum will showcase the finest collection of guns made in the ledger of Henry Citadel.
John Mac Aslan, representative of Aslan Mac Foundation, will support the study of museum Citadel Henry. He conveyed to the people of Haiti at the gala, the greetings and wishes of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, a mentor to the preservation of monuments in England, whose foundation also works with Mac Foundation Aslan.
The Minister of Culture and Communication, Marie-Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue, welcomed a very special presence in the room of family members of Albert Mangone and his friends. In recognition of a man who has traced a path through buildings, institutions and works that have enriched our humanity and our sense of memory, a certificate of decoration was awarded to Messrs Frederick and George Mangonès with these words:
Albert Mangonès, Grand Officier posthumously National Order of Honor and Merit
"On behalf of the Haitian government, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, it is with humility, respect, we do the architect Albert Mangonès Grand Officer posthumously National Order of Honor and Merit, in recognition of its commitment to safeguarding the architectural heritage of Haiti. "
In her speech, Ms. Magali Comeau Denis, Special Advisor to the Minister Jocelyn Lassegue, honored the memory of both builders and designers, King Henry Christophe and architect Albert Mangonès passionate Citadel. The Ministry of Culture and Communication is pleased and hopeful that the various components of the society seized this monument founder and proclaim that the mission of conservation, preservation and backup can be only a matter of 'State. It rests on the arms of all the forces of the country can be an honor for the authorities - which do not unload all - and especially civil society commits more and more. He appreciates the way of civil society through actions of general interest to claim that the nation is us, that this heritage is ours, all of us.
The presentation of plaques to the guards of the Citadel, seven men who for over thirty years providing its maintenance and cleaning, has been applauded by the audience standing. One of their job is dangerous, it is to remain suspended, attached to a vein, 45 feet high, clinging to a ladder, to uproot the trees rooted among the old stones, seeds brought by wind.
The screening of the documentary "The Citadel Henry", written and narrated by Monique Rocourt, raised in me the pride of being part of this nation legatee of energy so powerful. This is an example of a man in all the greatness it can achieve on this earth and beyond. Walls challenge. They question us. Why can not we walk in the footsteps of men of brass?
1804 and 2009, two different circumstances, but so similar, through their affinity combinatorial hi, opportunities and possible collapse. A nation that has no other choice but to rise above impossible.
"The Citadel", a folkloric ballet
Design and texts of folk ballet "The Citadel" presented the audience are Monique Rocourt. The choreography and choreographic design are Nicole Lumarque. The dream. A citadel for my King. Construction. They must be given a voice. The hymn to liberty. Advance. Six tables to recreate the grandeur christophienne so poetic, musical with the gestural dance.
The dinner offered delicious dishes with original names related to The Citadel. An auction of works by Philippe Dodard, Rachelle Castera Herter and Savannah Savary, and a great show hosted by the Villa Russo followed. The draw of a raffle has been thirteen happy. Mizik Mizik moderated the ball which ended this evening made magnificence and hope for "The Citadel". Four sponsors have enabled the realization of the gala: Well, Délimart, AUTO and Sun Auto Plaza.
The signatures of the sales-Ledger "The Citadel Henry" will be held Thursday, December 17 at local ISPAN, angle Chériez Street and Martin Luther King, from 10 am to 2 pm, Saturday, December 19th at the Cercle Bellevue, Bourdon 10 am to 5 pm, and Sunday, December 20 at OASIS Street Panamericana 11 am to 1 pm The price is 100 U.S. $ 4375 or gourds. The book goes on sale in bookstores both the Pleiades, Asterix Petion-Ville and I guess.
I invite you to build your library that play that highlights the high historical values of our cultural heritage.
By Savannah Savary